Michigan Union in the News

The Michigan Union is renovated!

January 2020 was filled with news and celebration about the reopening of the Michigan Union. Here are some of the highlights:

For those who wanted see the new Michigan Union from the comfort of their own homes, we created a digital tour .

See renovation project information and the reopening celebration event https://reunion.studentlife.umich.edu/

And read or listen to some of the media coverage from the event:

Michigan Today:Michigan Union: This Is How You Capture SpacePodcast – Capturing space at the Michigan Union

Detroit News:University Hails Renovated Michigan Union

MLive:Inside the newly renovated Michigan UnionArtisans sweat the detail in Michigan Union renovation

WDIV:The Michigan Union Reopens in Ann Arbor

Michigan Daily:Michigan Union Reopens After 20-month Renovation

University Record:Union Project Reveals Surprises and Reuse OpportunitiesRenovated Michigan Union Offers Intriguing Features