Barnes & Noble Bookstore

Visit the Barnes & Noble Bookstore website
General Information

Barnes and Noble is your on-campus source for books, official U-M spiritwear like sweatshirts and jackets, school supplies, snack foods and more! It’s a great place to browse for gifts—for your friends or for yourself.

Barnes and Noble partners with U-M to allow students to buy books directly from their schedule in Wolverine Access. Or you can order books online and have them sent to Pierpont Commons or the Michigan Union (at no additional cost).

Learn about our textbook buyback program.


Barnes & Noble College is seeking dynamic, friendly, and customer-focused team members to work as Temporary Booksellers for a period of 90 days or less in our stores.  As a temporary employee tasks you may be expected to complete include assisting customers with locating products, answering questions, shelving and restocking the sales floor, processing cash, credit, assisting with refunds and returns, among other tasks.



Located In

Michigan Union

closed. Opens tomorrow at

Pierpont Commons

closed. Opens

Payment Methods